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Extending KubernetesCluster#

Extension can specify it's own subclass of Common.Catalog.KubernetesCluster. Extension can also specify a new Category for it in the Catalog.

Extending Common.Catalog.KubernetesCluster#

import { Common } from "@k8slens/extensions";

// The kind must be different from KubernetesCluster's kind
export const kind = "ManagedDevCluster";

export class ManagedDevCluster extends Common.Catalog.KubernetesCluster {
  public static readonly kind = kind;

  public readonly kind = kind;

Extending Common.Catalog.CatalogCategory#

These custom Catalog entities can be added a new Category in the Catalog.

import { Common } from "@k8slens/extensions";
import { kind, ManagedDevCluster } from "../entities/ManagedDevCluster";

class ManagedDevClusterCategory extends Common.Catalog.CatalogCategory {
  public readonly apiVersion = "";
  public readonly kind = "CatalogCategory";
  public metadata = {
    name: "Managed Dev Clusters",
    icon: ""
  public spec: Common.Catalog.CatalogCategorySpec = {
    group: "",
    versions: [
        name: "v1alpha1",
        entityClass: ManagedDevCluster as any,
    names: {

export { ManagedDevClusterCategory };
export type { ManagedDevClusterCategory as ManagedDevClusterCategoryType };

The category needs to be registered in the onActivate() method both in main and renderer

// in main's on onActivate
Main.Catalog.catalogCategories.add(new ManagedDevClusterCategory());
// in renderer's on onActivate
Renderer.Catalog.catalogCategories.add(new ManagedDevClusterCategory());

You can then add the entities to the Catalog as a new source:

this.addCatalogSource("managedDevClusters", this.managedDevClusters);