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@k8slens/extensions / Exports / Common / Catalog / CatalogCategorySpec

Interface: CatalogCategorySpec#


Table of contents#




Optional Readonly displayColumns: CategoryColumnRegistration[]

These are the columns used for displaying entities when in the catalog.

If this is not provided then some default columns will be used, similar in scope to the columns in the "Browse" view.

Even if you provide columns, a "Name" column will be provided as well with priority: 0.

These columns will not be used in the "Browse" view.


Readonly group: string

The grouping for for the category. This MUST be a DNS label.


Readonly names: Object

This is the concerning the category

Type declaration#

Name Type Description
kind string The kind of entity that this category is for. This value MUST be a DNS label and MUST be equal to the kind fields that are produced by the .versions.[] \| .entityClass fields.


Readonly versions: CatalogCategoryVersion[]

The specific versions of the constructors.

NOTE: the field .apiVersion after construction MUST match {.group}/{.versions.[] | .name}. For example, if group = "" and there is an entry in .versions with name = "v1alpha1" then the resulting .apiVersion MUST be